Patti was someone I had admired from afar through my network for many years. She is a fierce advocate for social justice who has a wonderful way of connecting to people through boldly sharing her story. When I found out she was running for office, I was eager to volunteer for her campaign because I knew wholeheartedly that she was the kind of change in politics that would benefit our state and community.
Patti and I met several times where I spent time getting to know her and her mission. After a few meetings, I came with a concept and a script I had written. I first identified what I felt were her strengths in relation to her opponents— her lifelong connection to her neighborhood, how she has used her radio platform for positive change, and how being a mother to a child with special needs has shaped her as an advocate for others. I was surprised when I presented her with the script that she had no changes, indicating that I had totally nailed what she was about.
Because we needed to turn this project around quickly, I had a flexible shot list based on her calendar. There were several components I knew I needed in order to support the script, like her interacting with her son Declan or archival footage of her as a radio host. However, I also wanted to be a fly on the wall during several volunteer shifts to capture her genuinely out in the field hustling for what she believed in. As a result, I think it gives the piece honesty and visually highlights her natural ability to advocate for others.